
Chapter 5 Topics

5-A: Introduction to Buying NEW Checklist:

Chapter 5 Intro

Use this checklist to help you make a better choice when shopping for a new hot tub

How to Use this Section:

This Chapter takes all the information and theory from previous chapters into a practical checklist to use when you’re shopping for a NEW hot tub.  There’s another checklist for people shopping for a USED hot tub (7: Buying Used Checklist).

To provide a better context for this checklists, it’s best to read the preceding chapters that relate to each point. These are only suggestions to consider, not instructions to follow, so use as you feel is appropriate.

Note:  This is for your personal reference only, so please, don’t hand this out to anybody else, and for heaven’s sake, please don’t annoy our competitors by telling them that Hot Tubs Galore gave you this list, as we don’t want to make enemies in this business, OK?