
Chapter 1 Topics

1-R: Make & Save Money

(here are five ways a hot tub could be a financial asset)

 Potential renter/client/buyer’s perspective: Before hot tub and After hot tub (in backyard)

Property/Rental Value:

A home with a hot tub tends to sell or rent for more, not just due to the retail value of the item, but because it serves as a suggested lifestyle. It stirs up the imagination of potential buyers/renters of what it would be like to live there and it increases the prestige of a place – it’s a classy thing to have. 

Airbnb Earnings: 

We’ve often been told by Airbnb owners that they get significantly more bookings and they can charge more for a place with a hot tub, even if half the time the guests don’t even get around to using it.  From a guest perspective, just the thought of being able to use a hot tub gives the place more appeal.

Insurance Coverage:

If you’re suffering from one of the medical issues mentioned in “1C: Health Benefits”, there’s also a chance that your doctor may prescribe a hot tub. Some insurance companies have been known to cover the cost.

Tax Write-off:

If insurance won’t cover the actual acquisition cost, at least you might be able to deduct the expenses on your taxes.

Spa Substitute:

Hot tubs are often referred to as “spas”, because they offer similar benefits to going to the spa.  Perhaps having a hot tub on site may reduce the frequency of going to the day spa or public pool, saving you the costs associated with doing so. 

So, a hot tub can actually turn out to be a sound financial investment as well as offer all these other benefits!