4-A: Intro: What Makes Our NEW Hot Tubs Better Than Others?

chapter 4 intro 1
chapter 4 intro 2

We offer a huge variety of models from lots of brands, ranging from simple to extravagant

Why buy a NEW hot tub from us instead of elsewhere?

At Hot Tubs Galore, we don’t claim that our hot tubs are “better” than everyone else’s.  We offer high, low and average quality options for hot tubs from many different brands.  Some are better than others, and we explain the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision based on what’s important to you. 

Although we can offer you over 200 new models from over a dozen brands, we only have room enough to display a couple dozen models from a few brands at any given time, featuring some of the models which we consider to be the best value at the moment.

The following pages offer some helpful perspective if you are considering a hot tub – it’s worth a read.