
Chapter 4 Topics

4-N: Unique/Proprietary/New Concepts

(as opposed to what’s more common, tried & true)


“Only our brand carries this proprietary revolutionary flux capacitor modulator.  This innovative technology is totally unique which sets us apart from our competitors…”

I once foolishly owned a super-fancy custom chopper. It was absolutely unique, built from scratch by an award-winning custom motorcycle builder. It had huge swag. It was one of a kind, a real work of art, and a thing of beauty – to look at, that is. It was terrifying to ride, was always breaking down, required regular service, and only a specialist could work on it. It was fun while it lasted, but I was relieved to get rid of it, in spite of losing money when I sold it.

Someone once told me that when it comes to manufacturing, it can sometimes take tens of thousands of tries to work out all the bugs in order to perfect certain products. When something is brand new “revolutionary” technology, or if concepts or parts are totally unique to that one brand or model, there’s a greater chance of potential problems. That’s why a Bugatti Chiron won’t be as reliable or last as long as a Toyota Camry.

When it comes to hot tubs, it’s best to avoid models that deviate from what’s standard in the industry. Rather, stick to that which is common, tried and true, proven over the long term to be a great product/concept.