
Chapter 2 Topics

2-E: Reviewers’ Emotional Motivation

client reviews

1-star for you!

Human activity is disconcertingly more driven by passion than by logic.  An angry client is much more likely to vent their frustration than a happy client is to express their satisfaction.  That’s because an angry client is emotionally motivated to do something about it, while a happy client is less inclined to act. 

If unhappy clients are 10x more likely to write a review, it throws the proportions out of whack, and it messes with the law of averages.  Let’s do the math: If 96% of clients are happy, but the 4% of unhappy clients are 10x more likely to post a review, and if those results aren’t tampered with as explained in 2-C and 2-D, that brings the average rating down to 70.6%, even if the real satisfaction rating is 96%. 

No matter how good a company is, they’ll likely hear more complaints than complements because it’s human nature to complain more than to express satisfaction. 

Here’s a funny YouTube video explaining that although bad behaviour is often scolded, good behaviour rarely gets complements – I think we can all relate.