Buying A New Hot Tub Tips: Don’t Dawdle
Don’t Dawdle! Don’t wait until you’re ready for your hot tub before you start shopping for one. It may take a couple months or more for you to check out all the hot tub places, process all the information, make a decision, wait for it to be ready then schedule delivery. If ordering new, some […]
New Hot Tub Tips: Test An Empty Hot Tub vs A Full One
Empty vs. full hot tub People are more prone to buy a model that feels comfortable when they sit in it empty on the showroom floor so manufacturers design their tubs with that in mind. But everything changes when it’s full of water. Due to buoyancy, you don’t feel the same pressure points where your […]
Hot Tub Sanitation Issues
Sometimes clients tell us they have heard that buying a used hot tub can be dangerously unsanitary. Although we suspect the danger is greatly exaggerated by spa retailers, we have to admit it’s gross to end up with a grungy tub. Sometimes we are surprised at the yucky stuff that comes out when we flush […]