Leaks are a big deal. Some hot tubs are much less likely to leak than others, and some leaks are much harder to locate and/or fix than others.
Some cracks don’t leak under static pressure, but only lose water when the pumps are on high speed.
Sometimes a leak is not immediately evident, as the water gets absorbed into the insulation and holds it there for a long time before water begins to visibly seep out from underneath.
Sometimes the source of the leak is in the opposite corner from where it’s dripping, due to capillary action.
It’s important to note that moving a hot tub may cause leaks that otherwise would not have happened if the tub sat still and uninterrupted.
We avoid hot tubs with dried-out brittle plumbing and weak plastic parts because they are fragile and prone to leaks, and we stay away from hot tubs with a bad track record for leaks and difficult/complex plumbing arterial systems.