Surrey, BC

Since 1997

B-5: We’re Virtuous as [bleep]

(there’s depth & character beyond the whimsy)


“If you [choose us], all your wildest dreams will come true.” Pedro 
(from the movie Napoleon Dynamite)

Obviously we’re far from perfect, but we do have some things going for us worth bragging about.  Please allow me to elaborate on just some of these things.

A: We Give Good Advice Based on Extensive Knowledge 

What’s the best hot tub to buy?  Most stores will tell you that it’s whatever brand they happen to be selling. But there’s no such thing as one hot tub that’s perfect for everyone because it depends on each consumer’s specific needs, tastes, priorities and budget.  

This website helps you understand there’s a lot more to hot tubs than spec sheets and price lists.  When we meet for a consultation, we help you navigate through all these concepts to figure out what’s important to you when deciding what to buy. 

Since we’re familiar with every brand under the sun and have hands-on experience with pretty much every model out there, we can explain the differences so you can make an informed decision.  Our experience and knowledge help us to guide you in making a wise choice. 

B: It’s Not All About Money

I find it hard to relate to business owners who are solely focused on profit and are always preoccupied with ‘the numbers’.  Sure, Hot Tubs Galore strives to do well as a business, but we’re not greedy or overly ambitious, and number crunching bores me to death.  With no shareholders to answer to, our actions are often guided by what ‘feels right’ rather than monetary gain or economic progress.  Some may scoff at this non-corporate approach, but I think we’re healthier for it.

C: The Staff is Nice

Many years ago, a mentor who I very much respected gave me some business advice that really stuck with me.  He said, “As an employer, never hire or hold on to an employee that gives you a headache or a stomach-ache, no matter how good they are at their job.”   That may not be realistic in a union or in a big corporation, and it’s not advice that most profit-driven companies would follow, but we have had the luxury and privilege of being able to choose people who we actually like spending time with.  And those naturally happen to be the kind of people that our clients like as well.  

D: We Have a Healthy Company Culture

We enjoy working here.  We kid and laugh a lot – there’s lots of playful banter, inside jokes and silly traditions that keep things fun and interesting.  We sometimes get sidetracked in the office with philosophical debates or discussions about our personal lives.  There’s no need for those awkward contrived “team building exercises” as an attempt to create team spirit – we’re fortunate that it happens naturally.

E: We’re Quietly Charitable

We donate a significant amount of money to charity and we often help those in need.  We don’t use it as a promotional gimmick – it’s just the right thing to do. Come to think of it, in over 25 years, this is the first time that I’ve ever bothered to mention it, and this short paragraph hidden deep in the website is likely the only place anyone will ever find out about it.  

F: We Happen to be Green

I roll my eyes when companies use “the environment” to promote their products or agenda (“greenwash marketing”), so I hesitate to work this angle too enthusiastically.  We certainly don’t claim to be environmental activists, but we do happen to be more eco-conscious than most other places.  

We’re official members of the Recycling Council of BC, working alongside the Province of BC, Metro Vancouver, Wastech and Return-It, to reduce waste and encourage recycling.  We were the only hot tub company in Canada to be invited to be featured in the “Environmental Pages” directory (currently active).

Our service department is often able to fix things that most hot tub repair companies would simply replace, which saves the client money while reducing waste.  We use eco-friendly products in the shop whenever possible.  We recycle hot tubs and materials that otherwise would have ended up in the landfill. 

We’ll never win a Nobel Prize for what we do, but perhaps it’s worth mentioning, for those who care.