
Chapter 7 Topics

7-B: Age

Background Reading: 6-E: Legal Certification

Most backyard sellers think or claim the hot tub is much newer than it actually is.  People very frequently tell us it’s “about ten years old”, when I can tell at a glance that it’s well over 20 years old.  So always doubt the seller’s claim of how old it is. 


-Ask the seller if they bought it new or used, or if it came with the house.  How long have they owned it?  
Look for a plaque on the hot tub which states the manufacturing date, although it’s often illegible 
-If it has plunger-button controls (as opposed to a digital display), and/or a separate filter chamber that’s not part of the shell itself, it’s way too old – just walk away.
-If the topside control overlay does not state the hot tub brand’s name (e.g., it says Balboa, Gecko or Aeware instead of Coast Spas, Beachcomber or Jacuzzi), it’s probably an older hot tub model that’s outlasted its original equipment, which was replaced with after-market parts.  It may run OK, but you’re probably dealing with a very old shell, frame/cabinet and old plumbing/jets.